By the light of the Harvest Moon!

Last night there was a spectacular harvest moon. Not full moon yet but just those beautiful yellow, red and orange hues that bring to life thoughts of pumpkin spice lattes, the vibrant colors of changing leaves and crisp nights spent by the fire playing scrabble or doing a puzzle while sipping a cocktail or cup of tea.

This time of year always brings a bag of mixed feelings at THE HAI. We know our pool days are numbered based on Mother Nature’s occasional Fall Hot Flashes. Thoughts transition from planning the next poolside gathering to our winterizing to do list. Energy focuses on picking the last of the tomatoes, replenishing soil, mulching throughout, aerating lawns, a last blast of fertilizer and converting THE LOUNGE into THE FLOWERHOUSE.

We are blessed to live someplace that gives us six months of pool time and the opportunity for spa days throughout the year but we always breathe a heavy sigh when we put our last pool toy and Koozie away for winter.

It’s not quite that time yet (we still have korey’s bday ahead and our occasional October warm day) but we know that beautiful harvest moon has set the timer and the count down to HAIbernation begins.

Enjoy the last days of Indian Summer!