Preparation "H"

“H” for Hastings Hai that is ;).

Just wanted to give you pooligans a quick update that we passed pre-plaster inspection and the pool itself has been prepped for plastering tomorrow.

Yes it’s true that plaster will grace our grateful pool walls tomorrow and Friday and water will start a fillin that darn hole on Friday.

Monday is the official pool start up day and the Hastings Ave. water purification process begins.

A few things happen during the week next week, but my main dude Gary at the pool company says things are looking ok for swimming by the end of next week (I bet you are hearing an angel choir singing HALLELUJAH as you read this sentence ;)).

Oh and things are moving again on the landscaping front with plants arriving, irrigation going in and a big ol semi will arrive with top soil on Tuesday. Amazing how things speed up when you say your brother Big Frankie from NY and the relatives will be arriving and expect everything done. God bless the stereotype we now have because of the Soprano’s ;). Agita…forgetta bout it!

Okay back to check on the many many workers roaming the back yard and garage right now.

Sorry no pictures today!

Splash Count…..8 Days!!!!!

P.S. Today is LifeDog Zack’s 12th Birthday. So Big Aloha From Bday Dog Central!