Yo Yo Pooligans,
So sorry I’ve been remiss in blogging but it’s been hard taking time from the pool and while the wireless connection works in the pool we still don’t have a waterproof computer 😉 (yet).
The pool and spa have gone through a full test drive. Nephew Kevin who was visiting also tested and approved jumping in from rocks and the walls. There may be a weight limit though for jumping from the wall both for safety reasons and the cost of refilling the pool ;).
Queen Kathy Dockendorf also stopped by for a royal christening ceremony involving floating and lemon drops. As the queen departed she gave a slight side way wave of the hand and a thumbs up on the pool. [Note: The Queen doesn’t allow unauthorized photos so sorry no sipping shots].
And while on the topic of floating and sipping.
I need to correct a misconception from the last round of photos I posted. While korey did not indulge inside the pool the first night of operation that in no way implies she’s a “rookie float and sipper”. She’s had years of training at Raven Bear Ranch Float Offs and has reached expert level status. The issue is she’s a warm water woos. Meaning if it’s a too cold out she’s less inclined to float and sip; just sip. In an effort to correct the misinformation from the last blog the photo attached is proof to her skill level taken last evening when it was a comfortable 83 degrees outside at 9 p.m. [Note to cynics: yes she is sitting in the spa but the spa temperature was just 88 degrees].
Whew glad I got that out of the way.
The landscapers have also finished all their work; putting in the plants, lawn and lighting. All the finishing touches at this point are firmly in our camp. We’ve mulched the yard, put up trellises and are in the process of laying the speaker wire for the new speaker rock (would you expect less :)).
One of my favorite things in the yard also arrived and is in place…the surf board chair (courtesy of The Buckhouts). I love this chair not only because it’s so cool looking but also is comfortable to sit in (I even made Inspector Gadget sit in it yesterday).
Oh and speaking of surfboards. If anyone has an old surfboard you would be willing to dedicate to the Bali Hastings Hai Renovation project it would be greatly appreciated. You would even have a cocktail named after you for your donation ;).
Still to do:
- Bamboo fencing
- Put up the Tiki Bar sign (as choosen by Deputy Dog Kelly)
- Finishing assembling the furniture
- Fence top lattice
- Plants to block the pool equipment and shed
and the list goes on….
Oh and in other big news the BBQ Island will be arriving August 30th (about darn time and cutting it a little close for the grand opening on Sep. 3rd). But what can you do when the people in China can’t produce stainless steel fast enough. At least there is not a pot sticker shortage.
Anyhoo, we are truly loving our backyard retreat (we better because we’ll be paying for it for years) and the dogs love it too. Zack loves hanging out in any sunny spot on the patio or deck (as far away from the large water filled thing as possible) and Moomba loves going for a swim when she’s allowed (yes the smarty paws Aussie only goes in on command as does her cousin Lucy).
We hope you will all have a chance to enjoy it with us!
Love and Noodle Power!