Yo Yo Party Pool People,
Today was a big day with the spraying of gunite. At 6 a.m. I was jolted awake by a very large truck pulling up in front of the house.
Over the next 30 mins two more large and noisy trucks (we are now #1 enemy on our neighbors list) arrived and gunite spraying started at 7 a.m.
Let me just describe the process as LOUD AND STINKY!
By 11 a.m. the noise had subsided and the gunite trucks rolled on to their next household.
It’s amazing though how just by putting gunite on the walls it now looks like a pool
So the next week involves “curing” our gunite (no it’s not some nasty foot disease) three times a day. While this is happening the “electro magicians” will come out and lay wires. Once that’s done we get a visit from Inspector Gadget again and then we can fill in those darn trenches.
Oh and I should mention while gunite was a going our deck guys have been working away as well and it’s looking pretty darn good.
So things are moving pretty quickly and I’m really getting antsy for a swim :).
Splash count 4-6 weeks!
Happy Friday!