Halloween ’07

woof or treat, originally uploaded by tulloch.

Princesses, Flowers, Cowgirls, Racers and Lady Bug Monsters pretty much sums up Halloween 2007.

Last night the BHH Crew hit the spooky road with their posse of Jack, Macy, Brody and Moms to paint the Halloween town.

The two legged kids got to ride the Halloween train (very cool idea but can’t imagine the electric bill) and trick or treat on Stepford Wisteria Lane (SWL).

The residents of SWL put on quite the show with tons of decorations, super sized candy bars and even tooth brush giveaways. The only question was…is it really neceassary to put your 5 foot high family portrait on display for the trick or treaters?

One thing missing for the adults this year (to our dismay) was the cocktail and capuccino bar….where did it go and seriously people is it so much to ask for a little trick or treat libation???? Next year we will follow the lead of all the parents with coolers in their red flyers.

Anyhoo the kids and the dogs had a great time and by my calculations Macy, Jack and Brody should come down from their sugar high somewhere around Christmas Eve :).

Hope you all had a great Halloween!


The BHH Crew